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Relevant Reading
Melbourne City Council - Urban Forest
International example of good urban forest stewardship with many useful ideas for New Zealand councils
The New Zealand Environment Guide
Provides practical information to assist individuals, community groups and businesses to more effectively participate in environmental management processes.
NZ Landcare Trust
NZ Landcare Trust works with farmers, landowners and community groups to improve the sustainability of our landscapes and waterways.
Education and action group tackling NZ's weed problem. This website has useful information and opportunities to get involved.
New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
Comprehensive and accurate information to support the conservation of NZ native plants. Great plant identification resource.
Predator Free New Zealand
Information and support for pest control.
A Practical Guide to Trapping
Handbook produced by DOC
Regional guides for planting natives
Compiled by Trees that Count - find a guide for your region.
CommunityNet Aotearoa
Legal resources and advice for community groups.
Restoration Resource Center
From the Society for Ecological Restoration, the RRC is an international, interactive platform for knowledge exchange and learning in the field of ecological restoration.
National standards for the practice of ecological restoration in Australia
Including key guiding principles. Standards for New Zealand are expected in the next 2 years.
How do we restore New Zealand's biological heritage by 2050?
The fundamental issues that need to be addressed. These relate not just to restoration science but also to building ecosystem resilience in the wider socio‐economic and cultural context within which restoration occurs.
Upscaling restoration of native biodiversity: A New Zealand perspective
Eight recommendations to improve the prospect of obtaining the hoped‐for biodiversity conservation outcomes.
Action on the ground: A review of community environmental groups’ restoration objectives, activities and partnerships in NZ
A study to profile community groups and their projects through examining group and project characteristics, objectives, activities and the support provided by project partners.